Friday, August 31, 2012

Knit Happy Club Updates

Session 2 Knit Happy Club (#8033) dates have changed.  There will be one Session 2 Knit Happy Club.

Starting in November, Session 2 Knit Happy Club will meet on the second Thursday every month.  Meeting time will be 1-3 PM.  

 Mark  your calendars.  Actual dates are:  November 8, December 13, January 10, February 7, March 7, and April 11.

Deadline for enrolling in this club is September 27th.  Knitters making full payment of $60 by deadline will receive a special Knit Happy Tote that was specially designed for Session 2 of Knit Happy.  

Membership and completion of Session 1 Knit Happy is not required to participate in Session 2.

Session 1   Knit Happy Club (#8023) starts on September 21st and includes a special Session 1 Knit Happy Tote and 9 meetings for $90.

Any questions, please contact The Fiber Closet.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Beginning Thursday, August 30th, I will be teaching a cast-on or bind-off method from 6 PM-7 PM.  The class will begin right after our Open Knit Group that meets from 3 PM-6 PM every Thursday.  Please call me for more details.

NEW BEGINNINGS (Cast-on) and NEW ENDINGS (Bind-off) Methods
(Item #7002)
Learn new techniques for beginning and ending your knitting projects.
  • Date: Thursdays beginning August 30th
  • Time: 6:00pm – 7:00pm
  • Skill Level: Basic Knitting Skills – must know how to cast-on, knit, purl, bind-off.
  • Class length: 10 - 1-Hour Sessions
  • Cost: $5 each session.  24-hour advance registration in a session would be greatly appreciated.  Register for one, some or all of the classes.  Pay for all sessions ($50) at once and receive a Fiber Closet 25% OFF Coupon.
** Please bring to class – smooth worsted weight yarn and a lighter weight of contrasting yarn, straight, circular and double point needles in Size 7, 8 or 9, Size H, I, J or K Crochet hook,  and darning needle.  Needles required will depend on that night’s lesson.  
Session 1:  8/30- Basic Cast-on and Bind-off
Session 2:  9/6-Stretchy Cast-on and Bind-off
Session 3:  9/13-Decorative Cast-on and Bind-off
Session 4:  9/20-Circular
Session 5:  9/27-Double-Sided
Session 6:  10/4-Multicolor
Session 7:  10/11-Provisional
Session 8:  10/18-Tubular
Session 9:  10/25-Mobius
Session 10: 11/1-Sewn Bind-off
The Fiber Closet
301 W Ohio Street
Rockville, IN  47872


Friday, August 17, 2012

Below  is information on The Knit Happy Club. 

Session 1 is the same set of lessons that we ran the last time.  Session 1 will run for 9 months.

Session 2 is a completely new set of techniques, recipes, and projects.  Session 2 will run for 6 months.
You may sign up for a Session 2 club even if you did not participate in a past Session 1 club.   

I know some of the dates are close or on special days but it is near impossible to find Wednesdays, Thursdays or Saturdays that do not fall close to some other occasion.  We will go by consensus in the individual sessions and re-schedule where necessary. 

The option for pay-as-you-go has been added.  However, if we do not receive a minimum of three paid-in-full memberships for a session, the session will not be cancelled.   

Deadline for signing up for the sessions, is close of business on September 1st.  Shortly after September 1st, another e-mail will be sent announcing the active sessions. 

To register, just stop into the shop or call 765-569-2953.  Payment by check, cash or credit card is required at time of registration.

Let's all Knit Happy!

Session 1 – 3rd Friday –Afternoon*

Dates: 9/21, 10/19, 11/16, 12/21, 1/18, 2/15, 3/15, 4/15, & 5/17
Times:  1:00 PM-3:00 PM

Session 2a– 3rd Thursday - Afternoon

Dates: 9/20, 10/18, 11/15, 12/20, 1/17, & 2/14
Times:  1:00 PM-3:00 PM

Session 2b – 3rd Saturday – Afternoon

Dates: 9/15, 10/20, 11/17, 12/15, 1/19. & 2/16
Times: 1:00 PM-3:00 PM
Skill Level:  Basic Knitting Skills
Class Length: 2 hours
Club Membership includes:
·         Membership Card
·         Knit Happy Club Goodie (depends on the session)
·         Monthly Knit Happy Newsletter
·         New knowledge building technique each month
·         Pattern featuring new technique each month
·         Discussion and activities regarding technique
·         Recipe from Kathy’s Kitchen – yummy good
·         Fun time with a great group of knitters – priceless
·         Note:  If you haven’t taken Knit Happy before, it doesn’t matter if you take Session 1 or 2, both are a blast.


Session 1 - *9 meetings-$90
Session 2 - 6 meetings-$60

Pay membership in full and receive a special Club Tote.  Or,  you may choose the pay-as-you-go method which is $10 per club meeting. DEADLINE FOR ENROLLMENT IS September 1, 2012.
If fewer than 3 knitters commit to any of the above sessions, the session will be cancelled.  Shortly after September 1st, results of enrollment and finalized plans will be provided.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

My Passions

Today, I have decided that I am going to devote more time to my passions--knitting, cooking and listening to audiobooks. I am fortunate in that, sometimes, all three can be done simultaneously. Put something wonderful in the oven and then knit and listen to my audiobook while I wait for the oven to do it's magic.

Plan is to also blog about my passions.

Well, these are my thoughts for today.  Happy Easter!

Cheryl Ann's Daily Passions

On the menu:   Baked ham, au gratin potatoes,  baked beans and apple crisp.

On the needles:  Finally finishing those entrelac socks.  Have had one done for over a year, maybe two years.  Time goes so fast.

On the player:  Devil’s Food Cake Murder: A Hannah Swensen Mystery with Recipes

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Exotic Reuben Sandwiches

What not to do--

Here is how it sets up.  Leftover corned beef and a husband who wants Reuben sandwiches for supper.

I get all of the ingredients out:  corned beef, cheese, rye bread, Russian dressing, sauerkraut, and a tub of butter.

I heat up my cast iron griddle.

I start my assembly of two sandwiches:
  1. Butter one side of each slice of bread.  Since I emptied the butter tub, I use it to place one slice of bread buttered-side down on the tub and one on the small  yellow lid totally covering the little lid.
  2. Place sauerkraut on each slice of bread.
  3. Place thin slices of leftover corned beef on top of the sauerkraut.
  4. Place slice of cheese on top of the corned beef.
  5. Poured a little Russian dressing on top of the cheese slice.
  6. Place another slice of bread with the buttered side up on top of the sandwich.
Now, I pick up each sandwich and place them straight onto the hot griddle.  

After about 3 minutes, I use a spatula and turn the sandwiches over.  First sandwich, no problem.  Second sandwich, after I turned it, I noticed this yellow foam on it.  Funny, I thought.  I didn't put anything yellow on it.  I assumed that for some strange reason the butter had turned yellow.  Wrong thought. but that was what I thought.  This was after two days of working on taxes.  After another 3 minutes or so, I removed both sandwiches to our plates.

We began to eat our sandwiches.  I kept the one with the hint of yellow.  The yellow was quite crunchy.  I thought that maybe the cheese had melted and became crusty.  For some reason, I returned to the kitchen and the brain finally kicked in.  There was my empty butter tub but where was the yellow lid.  Oh no, I thought, I just ate plastic.  Luckily, I had only taken a small bite.

There was no odor or anything.  Just a little yellow foam.  No real mess.  Later in the evening, there was a kind of plastic smell in the air. 

Tonight, I think I might have qualified for "Worst Cooks in America". 

Friday, March 9, 2012

Book Review: The Principles of Knitting

Gina Mitchell had purchased this book and had brought it to the shop to show everyone.  It is what one would call a coffee table book.  The book weighs in at 4 pounds 8.8 ounces and is roughly 8 1/2" x 11" in size and a depth of 2".  It is an impressive book.  After looking through her copy, I had to have one for the shop. 

What does this book have to offer?  Everything.  There aren't any flashy slick color plates. June Hemmons Hiatt's, The Principles of Knitting,  is 712 pages of comprehensive reading on all aspects of hand knitting.  The publisher describes it as, "The definitive book of knitting techniques.  

  • Pages 37-71 just cover numerous methods of casting on with detailed explanations and advice on which cast on should and should not be used.
  • Selvedges and Steeks are explained in detail.
  • Several methods of knitting, right or left handed knitting and more.
  • Pages 80-93 cover casting off.
  • There are chapters on shaping (increasing and decreasing), short rows, picking up stitches, openings (pockets and buttonholes)
  • Surface decoration
  • Increase and decrease patterns such as in lace.
  • Charted stitch patterns
  • Color Work 
  • Pattern Design
  • Yarns and where they originate.  
  • Tips for working a project and fixing errors.
I only touched the surface with my list of items.  

I am getting ready to teach a class in Stranded Knitting and the chapter on Color Work is a valuable resource for my class.

I am very happy that I added this book to my library and thankful that Gina brought it to my attention.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

March Classes at The Fiber Closet

Spring knitting fever has struck at The Fiber Closet.  Check out these classes that are scheduled for March.  Some classes will be ongoing.  All classes will be held on Saturday's.

March 10:  3-5 PM.  Knit Happy.  This is a monthly group. A new technique, pattern and recipe are provided.  In March, we will be learning slip stitch patterning.  If you are interested in joining this group, the fee will be $10 per meeting.  Please contact The Fiber Closet for more details.  This group will also meet on April 14th and May 5th.

March 10:  1-3 PM.  Sock Club.  This club will meet every month to explore and knit socks.  This club is free.  First meeting we will review the book, Sock Club.  Please let The Fiber Closet know if you plan to attend.

March 17:  1-5 PM.  Spinning on Your Wheel.  Fee $40.  I will help you get acquainted with your wheel.  You will learn drafting, spinning, carding, wheel maintenance, and plying.  Class limited to 4 spinners.  Student must bring their own wheel.  Fiber will be provided by The Fiber Closet.

March 24:  1-5 PM  Stranded Knitting.  Fee $25.  Materials charge is extra.  Learn to make a pair of colorful mitts.  This will be an intensive color workshop plus knitting techniques.  Learn different methods of holding your yarn for color work and different methods of carrying for the floats created by color work.  Class limited to 10 knitters.

March  31:  1-5 PM. Top Down Seamless Sweaters.  This will be an intensive workshop where the knitter will take personal measurements, create gauge swatches, learn blocking, lace, increasing, learn how to fit your garment and more.    This will also be a kind of knit-a-long for a short and a long sweater.   Class will also meet on April 7th and April 28th.  We will also schedule when we want to meet for more knitting.  Fee $40.  Materials fee is extra.   Class limited to 10 knitters.

Sign up online by clicking the class name or contact The Fiber Closet at 765.569.2953 to sign up for these classes.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

"The Kntter's Life List" Review

Just received a copy of  "The Knitter's Life" by Gwen W. Steege.  At first glance, I thought it was going  to be a knitter's bucket list but it is much more.  I soon discovered that I was being challenged to broaden my knitting experience.

At the beginning of every chapter there are checklists.  Chapter 1 invites one to learn all about yarn--meet animal breeders and buy yarn from the source, visit spinning and weaving mills, learn about color, knit with different fibers, attend fiber events and festivals. (I was pleased to see Hoosier Hills Fiberarts Festival listed.

There is a chapter on "The Know-How" encouraging one to learn different techniques  This chapter is 34 pages long and chocked full of great information.  This book really isn't the typical instruction book but it peaks one's curiosity to learn more.  It is a resource manual.

Other chapters explore socks, scarves and more.  Must knit patterns, learn other knit-related crafts such as weaving, spinning and crochet and reading lists are just a few of the things that await the fiber lover reader.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Mitten Knitting

Yesterday afternoon, we had another great knit group at The Fiber Closet.  We celebrated Barbara Sheehan"s birthday with chocolate chip cookies.

One of our knitters, Peggy Foster announced that Turkey Run State Park and Raccoon SRA were presenting "Eagles in Flight Weekend, 2012"-scheduled for January 27, 28 and 29.

Today, Gina sent me an e-mail indicating that the Yarn Harlot had a new mitten pattern, Cloisonee on Ravelry.  Of course, I had to purchase the pattern and pick out some yarn to knit the Windowpane Mittens.
The colors are shades of purple with the background of charcoal.  

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Craftsy Party

Are you looking to share your crafting spirit with those in your area? Want to find crafty friends? Well, this is it, this is YOUR event. You’re invited to the 2012 Craftsy Meetup Party!

We will be participating in the Craftsy World Wide Meet up Party on January 26, 2012 at 6 pm Indiana time.

Please join us at The Fiber Closet for lots of fun and socializing.
More details to follow as the date approaches.

RSVP at Craftsy Party